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Natural testosterone therapy for men with The Urology Institute

Your lack of energy, irritability, and low libido have you worried

Something feels off.

You don’t feel like you used to.

Your workouts don’t feel the same, you have less energy, and you’re suffering from mood swings.

You may be suffering from low testosterone.

Low-T treatment centers have become increasingly popular

Direct-to-consumer marketing, easily available information about hormone replacement benefits, and the increase in anti-aging strategies have led to an increase in free-standing testosterone replacement clinics.

However, testosterone replacement clinics are not necessarily adequately trained, and they are usually extremely expensive.

The risks of having your testosterone treated outside of your urologist’s office

Over the last few years, testosterone prescriptions have nearly tripled and it’s quite often because of “pop-up” testosterone clinics. If you’re considering visiting one of these clinics instead of your urologist's office, you should consider a few things.

  • Studies estimate that up to 25% of men who receive testosterone therapy have not had their testosterone tested before the implementation of treatment.
  • Nearly half of the men treated with testosterone do not have their testosterone levels checked after therapy has commenced.
  • Up to 30% of men placed on testosterone therapy do not meet the criteria.
  • We see “excessive” lab testing which is leading to unnecessarily increased costs.
  • The standard recommendations from the American Urologic Association that are truly needed before implementing testosterone are not always met.

Dr. Hatchett and Urology Institute are testosterone replacement experts

At the Urology Institute, we can diagnose and treat your low testosterone in a natural way that fits your lifestyle. How?

Testosterone Replacement Pellets

Testosterone replacement pellets are one of the best and most convenient methods of low t treatment.

The pellets we use are a natural form of testosterone replacement called bio-identical hormones. They are plant-based, natural, and slightly safer than other forms of treatment.

The other benefits of testosterone pellets include:

  • There are no injections
  • You don’t have to worry about refills because the pellets are only put in place twice a year
  • You get a steady state of testosterone that maximizes the benefits
I’m ready to feel like myself again

The misconceptions and true benefits of testosterone replacement


There are several misconceptions about getting testosterone replacement therapy.

  • Testosterone replacement doesn’t give you prostate cancer. It actually lowers the incidence of prostate cancer.
  • It doesn’t cause cardiovascular disease. It’s actually cardio-protective.
  • It doesn’t increase the incidents of thromboembolic events like stroke or blood clots.


  • Increased energy
  • Increased libido
  • Taking hormone replacement prior to being diagnosed with prostate cancer actually shows a higher survival rate than those that just live with low testosterone.
  • Testosterone is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory along with being a vasodilator and this makes it cardio-protective. Meaning that men who live their lives without getting treatment have a higher rate of dying from cardiovascular disease.
  • It’s prostate cancer protective, meaning that men who live their life with low testosterone and then later are diagnosed with prostate cancer typically have more aggressive prostate cancer.
  • It increases cognitive function, so you have less “brain fog.”
  • It improves bone strength and decreases the risk of osteoporosis.

Get back to feeling like yourself with testosterone therapy at the Urology Institute

If you feel like you may be suffering from low t it's time to schedule. Putting off getting treatment can cause other serious health issues.

Schedule today to get a convenient and safe testosterone treatment.

I want to feel better